Totale Herstel

Pijn, verslagenheid, verdriet en donkere wolken

Een zwaar gevoel dat woorden niet konden vertolken

Ik lachte en bestond en probeerde door te gaan met leven

Maar hoe ik mij werkelijk voelde wilde ik niet prijsgeven

Het leven had mij geslagen of was het verslagen? Bemoedigende Bijbelteksten werden aangedragen maar ik wilde ook niet klagen, al helemaal niets bijdragen, ik was erg teneergeslagen. De wereld werd bedreigd door aanslagen en ik… Ik begon mij steeds meer af te vragen.

Waar is die grote God? Waarom heb ik zoveel pijn? Waarom kan ik niet als anderen gewoon gelukkig zijn?

Waar zijn de mooie beloftes van voorspoed en vrede? Waar blijven de beantwoorde gebeden, ik voel alleen onvrede en diep heel diep ging die gevoel. Ik ben boos. Boos op de pijn…boos op het verdriet dat niemand ziet. Boos op de God die mij geen uitweg bied, geen mooie toekomst in het verschiet en ik ben klaar om te zingen mijn laatste lied.

Ik loop met een geestelijke paraplu want ik voel alleen regen en kijk niet naar de Zo(o)n die wil doorbreken, zodat er een nieuwe dag kan aanbreken en alles wat gebroken, stuk en kapot is kan herstellen. Wat betreft mijzelf ben ik aan het aftellen. Als een beker die is gevallen in duizend losse stukjes, dat is mijn leven. Het is over is wat ik dacht, het is voorbij… maar ik onderschatte de God in mij.

Hij bleef maar kloppen aan de deur van mijn hart, dat was verhard maar ik was bang voor de herstart maar toch verlangde ik zo naar Gods Zijn Vaderhart. Ik probeerde te vluchten in de drukte van het leven, een bediening wilde Hij mij niet geven, ik keek naar de resten van mijn leven die waren overgebleven en zei ‘Van deze puinhoop valt niets meer te weven’.

Hij zei: Mijn kind jij hoeft ook niets te doen dan alleen maar bij Mij te zijn, geef mij je hartepijn dat als een muur om je leven is gebouwd. Ik weet het voelt vertrouwd maar ook benauwd, je hebt deze pijn nu te lang meegesjouwd. Kom bij Mij en wordt weer opgebouwd.

Ik was bang maar ik liet Hem toe en Hij kwam. Niet met een stok en roede maar met Zijn zachte hand en hij ging diep. Hij heelde diepe wonden van deze zwaargewonde, negatieve gedachten die nog bestonden, stinkende wonden werden schoongemaakt en herbonden totdat ik mezelf had hervonden.

En Hij zei:

Mijn vrede is van jou, hier neem Mijn hand.

Ik zal jou bekrachtigen, door Mij houd je stand.

Bij Mij vind je genade, een teken van Mijn trouw.

Ik ben je een Vader en Ik ben er voor jou.

Bij Mij vind je blijdschap en Ik geef je Mijn kracht.

Ik geef je Mijn inzicht, als licht in de nacht.

Ik geef je Mijn warmte, als een vuur in de kou.

Ik geef je Mijn liefde, want Ik ben er voor jou.

Ik geef je Mijn vriendschap, ik ben altijd om je heen.

Ook heb je Mijn Woord, dus je bent nooit meer alleen.

Voor jou gaf Ik mijn leven omdat Ik van je hou.

Ik liet Mijn Geest voor jou achter, want Ik ben er voor jou.

Geef Mij je vragen en zorgen, vind je rust nu in Mij.

Je bent weer geborgen, Ik sta aan je zij.

Het maakt niet uit, wat m zich nu nog aandient.

Jij zal alles overwinnen, want Ik ben jouw Vriend.

Jouw naam is niet langer Patricia, maar ik noem jouw Bethel. Dit was jouw proces van totale herstel.

Live 2 inspire, speak 2 motivate.


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To my ex-best friend

I never wanted to write a letter like this. Letting go of you caused me so much pain, but it is the best thing I can do for me. You weren’t the friend that I needed nor need now. Goodbye my friend…Goodbye forever.

I have known you for so many years, but the time has come for us to go our seperate ways. It was hard for me to let you go, but I want to be better, get better and do better.

Thank you for the EXperience. I learned a lot from you, good and bad. With you I was loving, caring, fun but also mean and jealous. Our friendship EXperation date has come and once I close the door behind you there is no turning back for you in my life. You hurt me so much. You let people take advantage of me, you would call me names, tell me I’m ugly, tell me I will never make it in life. You would make me think and feel that I am not a good mom. With you I would have a bad temper and could not controle myself. I’m sorry my friend but the time for your EXit is now!

Loving you for…
You learnt me some valuable lessons ex-best friend that I want thank you for.

Some of the things you thought me are that:

– I need to stay very very very close to God other wise I will do and stay stupid things. 

– I can be jealous, envyous, have a bad temper. You showed me my ugly side.

– I never want another friend like you

– I deserve better

So I am opening the door and escort you through it to outside. Goodbye my friend. We will never meet again. I will probably see you in the neighbourhood, but know that I will not come to you nor will we engage in a concersation again.

So long…


Live 2 inspire, speak 2 motivate.


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Get Your MOT Test

Have you ever heard of the MOT test (Ministry of Transport)? It is an annual test of vehicle safety, roadworthiness aspects and exhaust emissions. Every year you are obligated to do this test. 

For the last 3 months a little light in my car was burining. It is shaped like an engine and it said service. Ever since that day my car didn’t functioned well. Because before driving I had to give the car at least 5 minutes to warm up. The way I need to shift was totally different than normal. 

Going up on the highway was a challenge. My car would only go 60mph where you need to go 100mph. Imagine the angry faces of all the other people on the road. Luckily I was not able to hear the names they would give me.

Then finally I brought my car to the garage to get it fixed. Oh my what a difference! The way I was able to manouvre my car on the road. The speed that my car had, was so tremendous. Actually it was the normal speed, but I was not able to drive like that for a long time. 

Then it got me to think…There are times that we live our lives like that. We do not take care of our own engine…our spirit, our soul and our body. We keep on going, just eat what we want and we expect to keep on going forward (fast). Our body gives us signals, but we just ignore them. We don’t take time to rest, time to educate ourself. How many times have you done a check up?

Have you ever experienced that you are stuck? Or it feels like you’re moving forward with the pace of a turtle? You know where you want to go, but it seems soooo long before you get there. CHECK YOUR ENGINE!!! Stop and take the time to figure out why that little light is burning. Look under the hood of your life. Something is not function as it should. It could be the wrong company, exhaustian, troubled vision, finances, to much negativity, your body etc.

Bring your car into the shop and be your own macanic. Do your check up and start speeding again towards your goal(s).

Life 2 inspire, speak 2 motivate.


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To the woman I’ll never know

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know the sound of your voice neither the twinkle in your eyes. Your gentle side is unknown to me. I have never met you and yet still you have impacted my life.

My first blog of this year is a tribute to a young woman unknown to me but who was still able to make an impact on my life.

Gentle spirit
You have a gentle spirit, kind, loving and a bit goofy at times but with a smile on your face. A warm personality and a good heart. A heart that is capable to love and receive others. A great friend, a loving sister. Very dear and loved by all who know you.

Always willing to help. Putting your hands to the plow, getting the work done with a smile. You would answer questions and be all over the place like a swift but gentle breeze. A team player and it was always a joy to be teamed up with you.

As I read the comments of your beloved, I get all teared up (every time again). So full of life, vibrant and ready for the new year. They speak of your good heart and silly moments. They call you powerful, a soldier and so much more. I guess when you can impact so many lives at the age of 18, words fall short.

Until that day…
When I think about you I feel sorry that we’ve never met. Through out all those stories that are put online from all over the world, I see a young woman who impacted the live of others around her. We have never met and yet still I cry when I think about you passing on. I hope that on that great day we  can meet you and say ‘hello soldier’.

I pray for those you have left behind. Those that are missing you daily…family, school, friends, church. It will not be easy but let us (yes us) find comfort that she is resting now and rejoicing with the angels.

Mercy Mary Okije, we have never met and here on earth we never will. We didn’t knew eachother but I am mourning you passing on to eternity. The image I have of you is of a great women, a good friend and sister. Eventhough we never spoke, because of you I want to be a better woman. Because of you I want to be a better friend, sister and be even more serious with my time here on earth. 

I salute you great soldier. You will be welcomed with open arms as you have finished your race. Now rejoice and know that you left your mark here on this earth. You impacted people known and unknown to you. I salute you Mercy Mary Okije, daughter, sister and friend.

Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

With utmost respect,
A woman you have never met yet impacted


Mirror Mirror on the wall…

We all know this part of the Snowhite story. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? As little girls we all have looked in the mirror and asked ourselves this question. But what if there is no answer but just your reflection staring back at you?Off course mirrors don’t talk in real life and we need to answer this question for ourselves. There is just one thing…how can you answer this question if you don’t know who you are?

So let’s look at something. We often say that people wear many hats and that is true. You are a son, a daughter, maybe a mother or father. A friend, a co-worker or a boss. There is nothing wrong with that. But who are you without all these hats? Who is that person you see staring at you in the mirror?

Who are you when you take away all the material possesions, job, relationship, your child(ren)? Who are you when it is just you and your thoughts? Who are you when nobody is watching? You may be excellent in speach, but how about your heart? You can fool everybody with your words and action but one day will come that the true reflection of the heart will be shown.

For years I was not the real me. I was who everyone wanted me to be. I played different roles and I was good at it BUT because of that I lost track of the real me. I was let by the opinion of others, the love of others and (very important) the acceptance of others. Then a time came that I lost everything and almost everyone. It was at that moment that I was faced with myself. It was at that moment that I started the journey to find the real me.

How about you? Tired of trying to please everybody? Have you lost track of the real you? If you have, start asking yourself these questions:

1. What do I see when I look at myself.

2. What do I feel when I look at myself?

3. What are these thoughts based on? On facts or the opinion of others that I made my own?

4. Who do I want to be?

Not easy to answer but needed to start your journey to find the real you. I had to be honest with myself, forgive myself and had to dig deep to find who I was created to be and wanted to be.

This is not a easy journey, but the most important journey you will ever take. For knowing who you are will make you stand firm, be stabile, build on a good foundation and will lead to self-acceptance and self-love.

See yourself like a tree planted by the rivers of water, your roots will go deep and will be watered plenty. And know that in the right season you will bring forth fruits.

Have a great journey to find yourself.


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The Single Parent G.R.I.N.D.

A single parent is an uncoupled individual who shoulders MOST or ALL of the day-to-day responsibilities for raising a child or children.

I never wished to be a single parent. My goal was to raise my children in a home with a mom and dad, but life decided different. Being a single parent is very hard, but so rewarding.

A couple of months ago I made a decision as a single mother. I was struggeling, bearly could keep my head above the waters. I made a decision that would mean progress for me and my child, but it also meant public exposure. Now some may critisize my decision and some encouraged me. Being a parent doesn’t come with a manuel. We all try to learn from eachother and we all try to be the best parent we can be.

BUT unless you yourself aren’t a single parent, don’t judge one. In fact don’t judge anyone becaus youdon’t  know the weight they carry and for how long they have been carring.

People told me I should be ashamed of the life I was living. A neglected house, in need of the Foodbank, hardly any money. I raised my eyebrows and was like excuse you??? There is NO shame in the single parent game! I will do what ever it takes to provide for my child and as long as it is legal I WILL NOT BE ASHAMED ABOUT ANYTHING!!!

I want to let every single parent know…there is no shame in our game. From the rising of the sun till the coming up of the moon, GRIND! Grind daily and just make it happen. Keep it clean and keep it legal but you make sure you make it happen every day and know there is no shame in how you make it happen.


The Single Parent G.R.I.N.D.

G – Go for it

Make it happen mom! Make it happen dad! Just because you have kids doesn’t mean you can’t make it. Pick yourself up. Look in the mirror. Smile. And kick ass today! Be resourcefull, be creative and go for your personal and parenting goals. It may not be easy, but certainly possible. 

R- Restore

Whatever is done to you, make sure you are restored from it. A broken heart will give broken love. You may pack it with beautiful words, but it is still broken. Make sure you heal completely so you can carry any weight that is put on you and give your kids the best they need and deserve.

I- Improve

Improve your knowledge daily. Read, learn and apply. Even if being a parent is what you want be than educate yourself. Learn new parenting skills, interact with other parents. Be a better parent than you were yesterday and help other parents to grow.

N- Neat

Be neat. In other words be organized, be orderly. Have your administration in order. Whenever you need to deal with organisations, know your paperwork and where it is. Sometime organisations/companies want to squeeze more out of you, but be smart. Always 1 step ahead of them. Have a clean house. A clean house will give rest and some piece of mind.

D- Dignity

NEVER ever LOOSE your dignity. Respect yourself first. Love yourself first. If you love and respect you, you will demand it from others and will let go of those that don’t see your value. Be proud of yourself and your child(ren).


God will never give us more than we can handle. Yes at times it is hard, lonely, looked down on BUT Slay The Game!!! You got this! Show yourself and the world that you are strong, brave and smart enough to handle this. If He thought you couldn’t do it, He wouldn’t have given it to you.

So Single Parent GRIND!!!

I know I will!


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It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

The phone rang. I hear her voice and was happy to speak to her. Then the message came… The sun hid its face, dark clouds started to form, the world was turning but time stood stil. It felt like there was no more ground under my feet. I didn’t want to believe her, but the suddenly the message hit me. You were really gone. Tuesday, June 15 2010…the day my daddy died.

For a long period of my child-, and adulthood I was angry with you. You weren’t there for me, I hardly saw you. Where was this dad that I needed so much? I blamed you for a lot of things, put up a wall between us and acted like I didn’t care. This was all just an act, because the little girl inside of me was crying out for you. For your attention, your hug, your smile…your love.

How do I say goodbye to what we had? The good times that made us laugh, outweighed the bad. I thought we’d get to see forever, but forever has blown away. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

Turning Point
Then all of the sudden there was this turning point. Finally you stepped up to be a dad. You did your very best to reconnect with me. I could feel your love for me, your interest in my life, in your granddaughter. You invited me over for Christmas, you cooked, we laughed. I went home a very happy daughther. We talked and saw eachother more. You surprised me at my 35th birthday. The best gift my sister could have given me.

All I know is where we’ve been and what we’ve been through. If it gets me to tomorrow, I hope it’s worth all the pain. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And then..
And then one week later my whole world came tumbling down. You had left the earth. I screamed, I was angry, devestated, didn’t know how to go on.

And I’ll take with me the memories to be my sunshine after the rain. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

Now six years have past and some how I managed to move on. It is still hard and I still miss you like crazy. Especially with all that is happening now. It would be so funny to have you on whatsapp. I know you would be crazy about your grandkids.

I still miss you on all the family gatherings, birthdays, Christmas and especially Fathersday. Just a few more days before all good dads are celebrated and all dead-beat-dads get a sneer on Facebook or Twitter.

To all the moms that deal with dead-beat-dads:
– never put them down in front of your child. He may deserve it, but your child doesn’t. How bad he may be, they still might long for him.
– remember that your child has 50% of his dna. Putting him down, they might take it personal
– just lift up your head, be proud of yourself, grind everyday and be a awesome mom.

To all the moms that deal with dads:
– give them the recognition that they are good dads. Not just on Fathersday, but any given day of the week. Doesn’t matter is your are still together or not. Like us moms, they are doing the best they can.

Today I dedicate this blog to my dad. We started out bad, but you died being my hero. 

I will always be,
Daddy’s Little Girl

June 15 2010 – June 15 2016


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The Silent Scream

She looked at him with her beautiful brown eyes as he walked into the room. He closed the door and locked it but never for one second taking his eyes of her. She knew what was coming. She bowed her head hoping that today would be different. As he sat next to her on the bed, he started stroking her hair. She lifted up her head, looked at him and screamed PLEASE DON’T, I’M ONLY 6!!! But again just like the past 2 years no sound or words rolled from her lips. Just a silent scream…

This could easily be a scene from a movie. We would all sympathise with the little girl and come up with so many horrible ways to punish the abusher. Lock him up, torture and even death we would wish upon him.

Well unfortunately this is reality! It not a movie, it’s no make believe, it’s a scene that actually happend and to make it worse…I know this little girl, because this little was ME! From the age of 5 until 18, I was sexually abused and raped. This occured under the watchful eye of my family, who ofcourse had no idea what was happening. While they explained to me the dangerous of hanging out with the guys, nobody thought of the danger inside.

They abused me for years. Couldn’t anybody see what they were doing to me? Please look into my eyes!!! Help me!! Deliver me!!! But unfortunately no one heard my silent scream. Why did you think I rebelled so much? Can’t you see that that is the reason I wanted to kill myself? But no one looked beyond my mask, the attitude, no one could see what was happening. Because let’s be honest, we never think that the danger is in our own home, our own family.

My abusers (4 young men) made me believe that their doing was my fault. I was the one who seduced them. WHAT A LIE!!! But I believed them. I lived in fear for many years. If I only knew that I was not to blame. Only knew how to tell my mom, dad or anybody. But I believed their story that they would hurt me even more or my loved ones. But FINALLY one day I had the courage to stand up against them. But still the years of abuse had disformed me, shattered my selfworth and striped me from my dignity. Shame, low-self-esteem, self- hatered, they were like burn marks on my skin.

Now years later that little girl in me, still has the memory but the woman I am today is healed. She survived and is strong. Not afraid how people will look at her after reading this. But it is time to break The Silent Scream!

Somewhere, while you are reading this, a child is being abused. Study shows that 1 out of 3 children is being sexually abused. This is a number that is way to high. We are watching a movie and get angry and want to hurt the abuser, but we fail to see the children in our family or neighbourhood. We watch that movie over and over again, but fail to hear the silent scream in our own family or neigbourhood.

But how? How can we make that silent scream a loud scream? We need to teach our children about their body and that it’s theirs. But how do we do that? I teach my child that NO ONE is to touch her private parts but she. Not even me, mom. What happend to me I wish for no other human being. So I urge you, educate yourself about the signs of sexual abuse and educate your children. But how do we educate our young children? That’s why we need ProjectPuur. 

I saw this vision and of course it touched my heart. That is why this blog is dedicated to ProjectPuur. Mrs. Ogenda Adolphin, has a passion and vision to rise up against sexual abuse. She has written a book about how to teach your child(ren) about sexual abuse. She will give workshops for teachers, children and parents. Let’s support ProjectPuur!!!




So please share this message and create awareness.

Hi my name is Patricia and I am a sexual abuse survivor


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De Club van HBB of PH

Iemand zei onlangs nogal spottend tegen mij ‘He jij hebt nu geen Huisje Boompje Beestje leven meer he.’ Ik dacht ja die persoon heeft gelijk, wilde mezelf al weer helemaal zielig vinden, maar toen dacht ik nee! Dat bepaald niet mijn state of happiness.

Ik heb weliswaar enkele weken geleden afscheid genomen van het huisje, het boompje en de beestjes (lees kruipend ongedierte). Het deed mij wel pijn om vaarwel te zeggen tegen een stuk van mijn verleden. Het was afscheid nemen en loslaten van meer dan alleen een huis. Het was ook afscheid nemen van dromen en verwachtingen. Aan de andere kant zet het ook weer deuren open voor nieuwe dingen om mijn leven binnen te wandelen.

Ja het HBB leven zoals wij daar vaak naar verlangen is mij ontglipt. Maar is dat werkelijk het eindstation van ons leven? Is dat HBB-leven het ultieme doel om te bereiken? Hoe dan voor de mensen die single zijn en daar helemaal happy mee zijn? Hoe dan met de mensen die geen kinderen willen? Is er dan iets mis met hun? Kunnen zij geen HBB-leven leiden?  

Nou wat mij betreft veranderen we de term HBB. Het ‘perfecte’ leven met je eigen huis, tuin, huisdier en natuurlijk een partner, is dat waar we naar moeten streven of is het doel om ten alle tijden gelukkig te zijn?

Voor mij is HBB maar een gevoel. Het komt er op neer dat je je echt thuis voelt waar je woont en dat je gelukkig bent. Een veilige haven, waar jij met de scepter zwaait. Al is dat alleen maar in de kamer waar jij slaapt (als je bijv.  een huis deelt). Ik heb misschien geen (eigen) huis meer, maar geloof mij zolang mijn kleine meid en ik samen zijn zullen wij altijd een HBB-leven hebben. Ik gebruik daarom liever de term PH, dat staat voor Presently Happy. Euhmmm kweet niet of presently een woord is maar het omschrijft wel dat ik ervoor kies om elke dag gelukkig te zijn.

HBB is een status en geloof me, een status kan zo veranderen en PH is een keuze. Mijn keuze om gelukkig te zijn en die keuze moet niet afhankelijk van externe factoren. Ondanks dat ik op dit moment door een enorme orkaan loop, kies ik ervoor om gelukkig te zijn. En ja…je kunt een HBB-leven hebben en gelukkig zijn, maar laat je HBB niet je geluk bepalen. Mijn PH keuze is ook niet altijd even makkelijk hoor. Ja soms wil ik de handdoek in de ring gooien en niet meer vechten, maar dan denk ik ‘Kom op meid. Zoek naar het mooie in deze dag.’ Euhmmm dat vind ik niet altijd, maar ik doe wel mijn best.

En voor de persoon die mij zo spottend kwam meedelen dat ik geen HBB leven meer heb…Wat wilde je nou eigenlijk zeggen? 

I am Patricia and I am Presently Happy


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Dikzak! Bolle! Fatskeda! Ben jij 12 maanden zwanger ofzo? Welke maat draag jij? Maat tent? Je lijkt op een koe. En daarna lopen ze lekker lachend weg.

Deze namen heb ik vroeger veel naar mijn hoofd gesmeten gekregen tijdens mijn basis- en middelbare schooltijd. Het maakte mij ontzettend onzeker. Ik kreeg te maken met een GIGA minderwaardigheids complex, kon niet van mijzelf houden, want ik was immers niet goed genoeg. Tegenwoordig zijn het meer de afkeurende blikken die men naar je toewerpt als je een maatje (of 2 maatjes) meer hebt. Als je een all-you-can-eat restaurant binnen stapt, denken sommige gelijk ‘die komt zich vol proppen’. En so what als dat zo is? Dat kom jij daar toch ook doen?

De laatste paar maanden hoor en zie ik niets anders dan #blacklivesmatter en #whitelivesmatter, maar wat about plussizelivesmatter? Vaak worden mensen met een maatje meer gezien als lui, vies, slorig en/of geen zelfbeheersing. Zitten de hele dag op de bank en vreten zich rond. Misschien klopt dat ook wel voor sommigen, maar ooit eens gedacht dat het overgewicht een pantser kan zijn, een muur van bescherming. Soms komt het ook door genetisch erfgoed, verkeerd eetpatroon, emo-eter etc.

Ik probeer geen excuses te maken hoor, maar bij mij was mijn overgewicht een muur. Letterlijk een dikke muur om mij heen gebouwd om geen pijn meer te voelen. Ik wilde mijzelf afschermen na jaren lang sexueel misbruik en een verkrachting. Ik mocht niet aantrekkelijk zijn want anders was dit mij niet overkomen. Dat dit mij overkwam, was mijn schuld. Na jarenlang deze gebeurtenissen geblokkeerd te hebben, kwam op een gegeven moment alles weer boven en toen begon ik te eten. Elke nare herinnering proberen weg te vagen door een bami, nasi, roti, chocoladereep, chips, koek, snoep etc. Maar het enige dat gebeurde was dat de kilos eraan vlogen. Na mijn scheiding kwam ik in een diep dal. Ik viel weer in mijn emo-eetpatroon en er kwamen meer kilos bij.

Vandaag de dag schaam mij nergens voor. Ik weet dat ik meer ben dan de kilos die mensen zien. Ik ben een vrolijke, sociale, lieve, ondernemende, warme, mooie, talentvolle vrouw. Ik ben een vechter, een doorzetter, een optimist. Ik ben een winnaar, een kampioen en ga voor mijn doelen. IK MAG ER ZIJN!!!

Jammer voor hen die dit allemaal missen omdat ze niet verder kijken dan mijn kilos en hun vooroordelen direct uit de kast halen. Ja ik draag wat extra kilos met mij mee, maar ik ben nog steeds een vrouw van wereldklasse. Ik heb de nodige tegenslagen in mijn leven gehad, maar ik sta nog steeds. Wie weet juist door mijn overgewicht. Mij blaas je namelijk niet zo 1-2-3 omver.

Dus volgende keer wanneer je een plussize man of vrouw ziet, kijkt niet afkeurend want je hebt geen idee wat er aan de hand is. Jij weet niet waar iemand doorheen gaat en moet doorstaan. Ons leven telt net zo hard mee als dat van een ander. Wij plussize vrouwen zijn moeder, echtgenoot, collega, directrice, ruggegraat van de familie, onderneemster…kortom wij zijn POWERVROUWEN. #plussizelivesmatter!!! Volgens sommige niet trendy en mooi genoeg omdat de samenleving een andere standaard zet, maar daar heb ik niets mee te maken.

Op 26 maart zal ik samen met andere plussize ladies de catwalk rocken. In verschillende categorien zullen wij bold, fierce en fabulous de catwalk betreden. Dit zal ons moment zijn om te shinen. Ons moment om de wereld te tonen dat plussizelifematters!!!

Maar eerlijk of jij nou dun, dik, mager, rond, groot, klein, blank, gekleurd, autochtoon of allochtoon bent…



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Welcome to my life(style), fashion, food, motherhood and empowerment