Mirror Mirror on the wall…

We all know this part of the Snowhite story. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? As little girls we all have looked in the mirror and asked ourselves this question. But what if there is no answer but just your reflection staring back at you?Off course mirrors don’t talk in real life and we need to answer this question for ourselves. There is just one thing…how can you answer this question if you don’t know who you are?

So let’s look at something. We often say that people wear many hats and that is true. You are a son, a daughter, maybe a mother or father. A friend, a co-worker or a boss. There is nothing wrong with that. But who are you without all these hats? Who is that person you see staring at you in the mirror?

Who are you when you take away all the material possesions, job, relationship, your child(ren)? Who are you when it is just you and your thoughts? Who are you when nobody is watching? You may be excellent in speach, but how about your heart? You can fool everybody with your words and action but one day will come that the true reflection of the heart will be shown.

For years I was not the real me. I was who everyone wanted me to be. I played different roles and I was good at it BUT because of that I lost track of the real me. I was let by the opinion of others, the love of others and (very important) the acceptance of others. Then a time came that I lost everything and almost everyone. It was at that moment that I was faced with myself. It was at that moment that I started the journey to find the real me.

How about you? Tired of trying to please everybody? Have you lost track of the real you? If you have, start asking yourself these questions:

1. What do I see when I look at myself.

2. What do I feel when I look at myself?

3. What are these thoughts based on? On facts or the opinion of others that I made my own?

4. Who do I want to be?

Not easy to answer but needed to start your journey to find the real you. I had to be honest with myself, forgive myself and had to dig deep to find who I was created to be and wanted to be.

This is not a easy journey, but the most important journey you will ever take. For knowing who you are will make you stand firm, be stabile, build on a good foundation and will lead to self-acceptance and self-love.

See yourself like a tree planted by the rivers of water, your roots will go deep and will be watered plenty. And know that in the right season you will bring forth fruits.

Have a great journey to find yourself.


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